Michael Stonebraker
Biographical Summary:
Dr. Stonebraker is Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
at the University of California at Berkeley, where he joined the faculty
in 1971. He is widely recognized as one of the world's foremost experts
in database technology and is noted for his insight in operating systems
and expert systems.
He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Princeton University and
Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from the University
of Michigan. Dr. Stonebraker has held visiting professorships at the Pontifico
Universitade Catholique (PUC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; the University of
California, Santa Cruz; and the University of Grenoble, France.
Dr. Stonebraker founded Ingres Corp. in 1980 and served on the company's
board of directors until 1993. (Ingres Corp. was purchased by Computer
Associates in 1994.) INGRES, the company's primary product, was a commercialization
of Dr. Stonebraker's INGRES
research project into relational database management systems (RDBMS) at
Berkeley. Ingres Corp. has been widely recognized as a leader in RDBMS
More recently, Dr. Stonebraker has managed another research project
known as POSTGRES,
one of the most advanced such projects ever undertaken on the Berkeley
campus. In August 1992, Dr. Stonebraker co-founded Illustra
Information Technologies, Inc. in order to commercialize his research
in object-relational database technology. He is a member of the company's
board of directors and serves as its Chief Technology Officer.
Dr. Stonebraker is currently focusing on DBMS support for visualization
environments and on next-generation
distributed DBMSs. In addition, he leads a project which is developing
alternative data
management strategies for NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS).
His professional activities include:
General Chairman of SIGMOD annual conference, 1987
Member of SIGMOD Advisory Committee, 1989 to present
Program Chairman of SIGMOD annual conference, 1992
Member of Technical Advisory Committee for Citicorp, DB Software, and Bull
Dr. Stonebraker is the author of numerous papers, including (select titles):
Stonebraker, M.,"The Design of the POSTGRES Storage System," Proc. 1987
VLDB Conference, Brighton, England, September 1987.
Stonebraker, M. et. al., "The POSTGRES Rules Systsem," Proc. 1987 Data
Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA, February 1987 (also reprinted
in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, December 1988).
Stonebraker, M., "Future Trends in Data Base Systems," Proc. 1988 IEEE
Data Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 1988 (reprinted in IEEE
Knowledge and Data Engineering, Sept. 1989).
Stonebraker, M., et. al., "The Implementation of POSTGRES," IEEE Transactions
on Knowledge and Data Engineering, March 1990.
Stonebraker, M., el. al., "On Rules, Procedures, Caching and View in Data
Base Systems," Proceedings 1990 ACM-SIGMOD Conference on Management of
Data, Atlantic City, NJ, May 1990.
Troy (rtroy@postgres.Berkeley.EDU)
Last modified: $Date: 1995/12/23 04:12:15 $