



[x] NumericInstanceType
[y] NumericInstanceType
[z] NumericInstanceType
[chi] NumericInstanceType
[eta] NumericInstanceType
[n] NumericInstanceType
[omega] NumericInstanceType
[phi] NumericInstanceType
[kappa] NumericInstanceType
[varX] NumericInstanceType
[varY] NumericInstanceType
[varZ] NumericInstanceType
[varT] NumericInstanceType
[varChi] NumericInstanceType
[varEta] NumericInstanceType
[varN] NumericInstanceType
[covXY] NumericInstanceType
[covXZ] NumericInstanceType
[covYZ] NumericInstanceType
[covChiEta] NumericInstanceType
[second] NumericInstanceType
[minute] NumericInstanceType
[hour] NumericInstanceType
[day] NumericInstanceType
[month] NumericInstanceType
[year] NumericInstanceType
[alignment] NumericInstanceType
[magnitude] NumericInstanceType
[azimuth] NumericInstanceType
[declination] NumericInstanceType


x : real32
y : real32
z : real32
chi : real32
eta : real32
n : real32
omega : real32
phi : real32
kappa : real32
varX : real32
varY : real32
varZ : real32
varChi : real32
varEta : real32

varN : real32

covXY : real32

covXZ : real32

covYZ : real32

covChiEta : real32

second : integer8

minute : integer8

hour : integer8

day : integer8

month : integer8

year : integer8

alignment : real32

magnitude : real32

azimuth : real32

declination : real32


The attributes listed above include all those used as attributes in the Coordinate subclasses, and some which pertain to attributes in the Point hierarchy.

Note that the values for the attributes in CoordinateDefinitions refer directly to the actual values which occur in the transfer of data with Coordinate, CoordT or TimeClass domains (or their subclasses). For example, if the correct value for y is 6145123, an offset may have been specified as 6100000 (in transform under spatialReferencing), and the value of y given as 45123 in the coordinate. If 45123 happens to be the largest value for y in the data set, then Integer16Unsigned (or Integer32 if there are negative values) is appropriate.

Links to Section 3.6 and the complete SAIF class list