



centre nw sw ne senwTop swTop neTop seTopnwBottom swBottom neBottom seBottomnwFirst swFirst neFirst seFirstnwLast swLast neLast seLastnwTopFirst swTopFirst neTopFirst seTopFirstnwBottomFirst swBottomFirst neBottomFirst seBottomFirstnwTopLast swTopLast neTopLast seTopLastnwBottomLast swBottomLast neBottomLast seBottomLast


nw, sw, ne and se are northwest, southwest, northeast and southeast, respectively. Top refers to the highest elevation and bottom to the lowest. First refers to start time and last to end time.

For 2D spatial data: centre through se may be used.For 3D spatial data: centre plus nwTop through seBottom.For 2D spatial + 1D Time: centre, nwFirst through seLast.For 4D space/time: centre, nwTopFirst through seBottomLast.

Links to Section 3.8 and the complete SAIF class list