



The user may define subclasses of this class.


[node] Noding

[overlap] Overlapping

[share] Sharing

[void] SpaceFilling

[entity] Boolean

[validGeometry] Boolean

[validRelationships] Boolean

[special String


Structuring concepts have been broken into a number of ideas:

node: whether or not all intersections of geometric objects occur only at explicit positions defined by other geometric objects (such as lines intersecting at explicitly defined points), overlap: whether areal or volumetric objects overlap,

share: whether common objects (such as arcs on polygon boundaries) are defined only once and then referenced by their object identifiers,

void: whether there are voids or holes (where nothing is defined) contained within the boundaries of the overall area or volume of interest,

entity: whether all entities are represented directly by the geometry. For example, if Lake is defined as a type of feature, and each lake is represented geometrically by a polygon, entityStatus is true. If on the other hand all the lakes are represented by a single set of arcs (defining portions of lake boundaries), with no direct means of establishing how many lakes exist or which boundaries belong to which lake, then entityStatus is false.

validGeometry: if it is expected that the instances of SAIF geometric classes in the data meet the definitions, rules, and constraints of those classes, then validGeometry is true; otherwise it is false.

validRelationships: if it is expected that the instances of SAIF relationship classes in the data meet the definitions, rules, and constraints of those classes, then validRelationships is true; otherwise it is false.

special: if special structuring rules have been followed, they may be described here.

Links to Section 3.6.4 and the complete SAIF class list